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Work Related Injuries

If you've been injured in the job contact us for an appointment. We accept most major insurance carriers.


Jones Family Chiropractic provides complete chiropractic care for those suffering from work related injuries. Chiropractic care is a vital part of recovery and rehabilitation that is proven to assist in speedier recoveries from various injuries incurred in the workplace. If you’ve been injured on the job… contact us for an appointment and examination. We accept most major insurance carriers.

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The Chiropractic Connection

The best workplace injury is one that never happens. The Chiropractic Connection works with employers to train their workforce to prevent injuries before they occur. There is no additional fee to take advantage of these programs – the quantity is determined by the number of employees we treat per month. These prevention seminars are held at your facility, at your most convenient time, with your invitation list. We provide the content and speaker for the selected topics.

We currently offer four prevention seminars:


Protect your back


Workplace ergonomics (computer, monitor, chair, lighting, phone etc),


Lifting you can live with,


Stretches and exercises for a healthy back



FACT: In recent years, the annual cost of work related injuries to employers has risen to more than $105 billion in the United States.


FACT: Patients are three times more likely to report high satisfaction with care from a Chiropractor as they were with care from other physicians.


FACT: Chiropractic patients return to work quicker vs. Medical patients.


FACT: Higher utilization of medical care in some states has not produced better outcomes for injured workers I.e. faster return to work, better mental and physical functional outcomes or increased patient satisfaction with care.Whether you are injured at work or at home The Jones Family Chiropractic Center takes pride in returning you back to work faster and healthier than ever.


FACT: Patients who received Chiropractic care incurred significantly lower healthcare costs than did patients treated by medical or osteopathic physicians.

Important health Tips

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Protect Your Back

Your back works for you 24-hours a day. It supports you head and neck. It keeps you upright as stand, sit and move around. Your back allows for the side range of motion that is needed for walking, lifting or working on the job. It is an exquisitely designed machine, capable of meeting the demands we place on it everyday. Like a machine, the back can suffer from mechanical stress and injury. It may rebel when It is asked to do too much. When that happens, we feel pain and discomfort. Luckily most pain is not serious and many back injuries can be prevented. This course teaches employees how to prevent some of the most common back injuries, early identification of back problems and strategies to strengthen the overall health of their back.

Workplace ergonomics (computer, monitor, chair, lighting, phone etc)

Setting up your computer may seem as easy as pulling up a chair and reaching for the keyboard. Yet positioning or using your computer improperly can lead to all sorts of injuries-from the short term discomfort of headaches to long term (and potentially debilitating) conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Many people don’t even realize that their pain is computer-related-until they learn proper work habits, and the pain disappears. The Chiropractic Connection will help you discover the best ways to arrange and use your workstation.

Lifting you can live with

Your body is not designed to lift heavy weights. The way you carry a heavy object can subject your back to pressures two to ten times the object’s actual weight. The pressure is increased more as you hold the load away from the body. Safe lifting is a function of both the amount of weight being lifted and the lifting technique used. The Chiropractic Connection teaches safe lifting techniques to prevent injuries on and off the job.

Stretches and exercises for a healthy back

Experts agree that most people should stretch prior to any strenuous activity. Routine activities like typing or using the phone can lead to injury over a period of time, and stretching can help relax your muscles, as well as strengthen them to help prevent future injury. Stretching also increases circulation, which may help you feel better while you work. The Chiropractic Connection offers instruction on appropriate stretching for employees to do on their own or leader lead stretching breaks.