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Weightlifting is one of the most beneficial exercises available; like all strength training, it promotes good bone health, a healthy metabolism, and cardiovascular fitness. On the other hand, because lifting requires the body’s major joints to bear large amounts of weight, it can also cause a variety of injuries, especially if done improperly. Fortunately, these injuries are both treatable and largely preventable.

Amateur and competitive weightlifters can see huge benefits from chiropractic treatments and modalities as a preventative measure to avoid injury or as a healing treatment if injuries have already been sustained.

Common Injuries

Weightlifting injuries occur most often in the shoulder, knee, and back. These are the areas which have the greatest range of motion during lifting, and are responsible for bearing or transferring the weight lifted. The most common injuries include:

  • Patellar tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon of the knee. It occurs when the tendon becomes too tight or overused during lifts which use the legs such as squats and lunges
  • Shoulder impingement syndrome (or a rotator cuff problem) occurs when the tendons that hold the shoulder in place become inflamed. It can occur from any overhead lifts, such as bench presses, lateral raises, or shoulder presses.
  • Rotator cuff tears occur when one or more of the tendons of the shoulder rips. It can be caused by the same exercises as shoulder impingement syndrome, but is much more serious.
  • Back sprains and strains occur in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons of the back. Associated exercises include bench presses, dead lifts, and curls.
  • Herniated discs occur when the discs which cushion the vertebrae rupture. These are most commonly caused by dead lifts.


Since a full weightlifting routine works all muscle groups, people who lift are at risk for injuries in all areas of the body. For this reason, it’s important to take preventative measures:

  • Before lifting, warm up your muscles and then stretch.
  • Check in with a trainer or more experienced lifter periodically to evaluate your form; improper technique is a common cause of injury.
  • Never lift from your back.
  • Take advantage of preventative care such as chiropractic treatment.
  • Avoid over training by cross-training and alternating which muscle groups you work day by day.
  • If you start to feel pain during a lift, move on to exercises that work a different muscle group. Trying to lift through the pain can turn irritation into injury. Being aware of your body can help you distinguish the difference between the burn of your muscles working hard, and pain that indicates injury.


Chiropractic treatment is a strong choice for both preventative care and as treatment for injuries that have already occurred.
The most important part of your treatment will be the adjustments, but supporting therapies such as massage, physical therapy, and dietary changes may be recommended. Your chiropractor will help you develop a full treatment plan, including how much time off is necessary and what measures need to be taken to prevent injuries in the future.

If you would like to learn more about the chiropractic treatments schedule with us at or call us at (425)882-0802.